Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Little Sixteen and A Whole Lot of Pregnant

We are watching "Sixteen and Pregnant" right now (my hate-on for that could be touched on in another post) and the whiny little thing wanted to be induced because she was too uncomfortable.  Maybe she should've stuck to the uncomfortable of a condom if she didn't want this uncomfortable feeling.  I'm sorry!  I just not a fan of this show.  Anywho!  On this lovely episode they decided to give in to the girl and induce her.  A few minutes later...they really should time-stamp these shows...they told her she isn't progressing quickly enough and now she will have to have a c-section.  She was uncomfortable....and now she has to have a c-section!

Then most importantly, I became uncomfortable because the c-section was gross.  I know its an everyday surgery, but they leave the baby hanging half in and half out while they get the crap out of its mouth or nose.  That and it's an odd, alien-shade of grey.  I would take bloody and gooey over grey, but that's just me.

I try to sympathize with the girls on this show.  After all, they are just 16 and pregnant...except that most of them aren't!  The majority of the preggos are finishing, or finished, high school.  There's no way they're 16.  I can't respect a show that lies to me.  Well I actually can since I watch a lot of fiction, but not when it's a documentary!  That's where the foot gets put down.

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