Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Fat Cuke

Oh my word we are at 26 weeks!  The little parasite is up to its usual shenanigans in its cave.  Every now and then the cave will suddenly push out and to the left side of my wife's belly button.  I was laying on my wife's stomach the other night and the little peanut kicked me in the head.  It's cute now, but if I let this kind of behavior continue what will my parenting style turn into?  Will I be a pushover?  Will our child walk all over me?  Man I hope not.  I may have to start cracking the whip now.

The little one is now weighing in at around a pound and two-thirds, and is as long as an English hothouse cucumber.  I have no idea what distinguishes an English hothouse cucumber from other cucumbers.  And is there a difference between English cucumbers and English hothouse cucumbers?  I have a feeling these aren't the questions I should be asking.  I looked up English hothouse cucumbers and there were many links for pregnancy descriptions.  Either everyone knows what an English hothouse cucumber is, or there are more people who read the baby site I go to than just myself.  I'm gonna go with the latter.

Some other highlights include better hearing, and our baby inhaling some amniotic fluid.  Apparently this is good for the little one, and helps its lungs to develop.  Sure, it's good for a baby to inhale liquid, but when I inhale the smallest amount of saliva I cough for days.  Damn old people lungs.

Oh come on! You were thinking it too!

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