Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Maybe Climbing Stairs With A Hippo On Back?

The other day my wife compared pregnancy to "climbing Mount Everest."  I have heard this before whilst reading about pregnant women's journeys.  Don't get me wrong, I do believe that the creation of a living human bean inside you is quite a feat.   I do, however, think that the previous statement might be stretching it a bit.  Not to mention a huge cliche.  I mean, during the one: you gain an average of 27 pounds, eat a lot of weird items, and create a peanut inside of you.  During the other: you climb 29,029 feet, attempt to pee without having it freeze to your bits, and encounter a "death zone" during the last part of the ascent.

I'm almost positive climbing Mount Everest is waaayyy harder.  When the wife starts asking me for oxygen tanks and some Sherpas to help her carry them, then I will have more sympathy for her using this statement.  And really all pregnant women should change their wording for that matter.  Instead they should adopt a new motto.  "Pregnancy: Like Climbing An Ant-Hill" or "Pregnancy: Like Climbing a Hill With a Toddler."  Don't worry people, I got this covered.  I will figure this thing out if it kills me.  Nah that's exaggerating a touch.  I will try to figure this out until my wife kills me.  Yeah that sounds more accurate.

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