Monday, May 28, 2012

Best Game Ever

I have started playing a new game with my unborn child.  I have completely given up on the idea of ever talking to the little peanut.  Too creepy.  And to be quite honest, does it really care what I have to say?  I know, I know, it's my voice that is the point.  But I really just don't have anything that's good enough to say out loud to myself, or the wife, so why would I force myself to say things just for the baby?  Exactly.

So my interactions with my baby are more physical than verbal.  The game consists of me blowing on my wife's know, making the farting sounds...and then the parasite kicking/punching my wife and me.  We had a good round the other night.  That is, until the game came to a screeching halt when the little bugger kicked my wife's bladder, and she shouted "okay! game over!"  It was fun while it lasted.  The baby seemed to enjoy it anyway.  Unless it was really just pissed off and kicking to get me to stop.  Nahhhh.

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