Thursday, May 17, 2012

Worst. Blog. Ever

I am a horrible blogger, and I would totally understand if you chose not to read this thing anymore.  I need to get on the ball with this thing.

First of all for the updates.  We are at 25 weeks this week, and I'm not gonna lie, I am a little panicky about things.  We are more than half-way there and it's all so real!  According to the baby website, the little parasite is  not so little anymore and weighs as much as a rutabaga...whatever that means.  I've never seen a rutabaga that looks the same as the next.  The wife went to see her doc the other day, and the baby is measuring big for where we are at so really it could weigh more than a rutabaga.  I think I just like saying rutabaga.  Come on, say it out loud with me.  Didn't that feel good.

Some other highlights...I turned 30 this week.  It's not so much a highlight as it as an occurrence.  I don't like birthdays so I really wasn't enthused about this one.  At least during my 30th year I will have a child.  There's something to check off on the list of things to do before I kick the bucket.  So in dealing with that I just have not been in the mood to write.  But that is selfish of me, and I'm not thinking about my loyal know who you three are!  All I can say is I will try to do better.


  1. I love rutabegas!

    1. boy oh boy, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that!!! Get a life buddy! everyone loves rutabagas, we're in the 21st century after all. and you spelled rutabaga wrong btw! You are a downright bozo!

    2. Hello my name is a Mario and I am from a Italy and I have a riddle for a you. What do you call an a arrogant poor person panning for money on da streets?

      Answer: A rude-a-begga!
