Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Still Cooking

Well it's that time of week again.  The wife is 24 weeks now...or approximately 6 months if you hate doing math.  The little parasite is about as long as an ear of corn now, and weighs just a pound.  Some highlights this week: baby's brain is growing, it's lungs are developing "branches", taste buds are continuing to develop, and it's skin is still see-through.  It has no use for taste buds at this point, but it's skin is still see-through.  It is so amazing how messed up the prioritization is when it comes to development.  I just cannot get over that.  I mean kudos to the human body for the final product, but the production is just all over the place.  Taste buds should be last in my opinion.  But if I were in charge of production the kids would probably come out totally under-cooked.  So I guess it's best to leave it in there at 98.6°F for 16 more weeks.

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