So the parasite has been cooking for 16 weeks and the wife is still not getting a good night's rest. I was awake until 4am the other night and she was asleep that entire time from at least 11pm. So she was asleep for a good length of time with minimal wake ups. But here's the kicker: she's talking in her sleep. We have been together for 8 & 1/2 years and in that time she has frequently talked in her sleep. Well to be totally honest it was a deafening snoring until a few years ago. The thing was though, that she didn't talk a lot. It was more of a once a month type deal. Now it's at least once a week or more.
The other night I was watching a little Family Guy before bed, a hilarious episode I might add, and I thought the wife was dead asleep until she started giggling. Then silence. Then a little while later she loudly exclaims "there is hair all over the blanket!" I began talking to her, like I normally do, and she went on to explain that there was cat hair on the blanket she is crocheting. It's then about that time that she wakes up and realizes I am humoring her. Then she gets upset and tries to explain herself more. The explanation: the cats are probably sitting on the blanket, she just knows it. Good thing she falls asleep soon after or who knows what would happen.
So my theory is that she is falling asleep but just not reaching that deep, REM sleep...or whatever state she needs to be in to get some rest. I think she's at the edge of sleep and that's why thoughts are creeping into her subconscious and she is talking. I will be investigating this further, so fear not! Answers are on their way!