Monday, March 5, 2012

I Just Might Get Morning Sickness

I know I have already touched on the topic of food cravings, but I would like to take a post to re-visit that topic a little more.  I feel that as my wife's pregnancy progresses there are some issues that I have talked about before which will re-surface or even amplify.  In this case I believe it is amplifying.

And when the wife drags me into it, then it's definitely amplifying.  The other day I ate a strawberry dipped in peanut butter.  I know what you're should taste like strawberry jam and peanut butter.  No, no it does not.  It tasted like gross.  I asked the wife at what point did her mind go from being rational and thinking that something would taste gross, to thinking hey those foods would taste fantastic together??  I just don't get it.  Her current sandwich addiction looks gross to me.  It consists of two pieces of toast, mayo, mustard, real cheddar cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce.  It is a sopping mess like those Carls Jr's commercials.  Only the Carls Jr's burgers look really good.  Mmmmmm.  Whoops, sorry.  Got a little carried away there.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, I was dreading the food messes that we are headed for.  I never thought the wife would become a stereotypical pregnant woman but I was apparently wrong.  I'm dreading what other foods she can possibly add peanut butter to.  I'm sure she isn't finished with these concoctions.

Carls The Third?  No.

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