Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dr. Cellophane Skin?

Does everybody know what day it is???  Food comparison day!!!  The little peanut is the size of a bell pepper today (about 5 1/2 inches long).  Seriously, these foods are so random sometimes.  I honestly thought a turnip was bigger than a bell pepper.  Guess not.

Some highlights this week are that the baby is moving its arms and legs around.  The wife can't feel anything yet, but its still soon.  Check out this video for an idea of what the little one is up to in the wife's belly.

Oh and one other thing...blood vessels are visible through the skin.  Miracle of life?  Maybe?  Somewhat creepy?  A little bit?  Sort of superhero-ish?  I think so!!!  What a crazy feature!  See-through skin.  I'm not sure what advantage this could be used for.  Maybe it's more supervillian-ish.  Yeah, it would be raised by me, so it would probably be more of a supervillian.  But it would have awesome looking skin!

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