Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yakkity Yak Don't Talk Back

The baby site that I go to suggests that we talk to the little parasite this week.  It talks about how this can help with the bonding period and that it is great practice for after the baby is born.  At the sound of this my mind instantly goes to the episode of Friends where Ross starts to talk to his unborn child through his ex-wife's stomach.  Awkward sums that up nicely.  And that would totally be me.  I have a new found love for this episode now.  This episode was in my top ten Friends episodes to begin with.  There are so many great scenes in this episode but my favorite was always:
Ross: Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books about being a lesbian.
Susan: (Deadpan) Well, you know you have to take a course. Otherwise, they don't let you do it

My new favorite quote is now:Ross: (Talking to Carol's stomach) And everyone's telling me, you gotta pick a major, you gotta pick a major. So, on a dare, I picked paleontology. And you have no idea what I'm saying, because, let's face it, you're a fetus. You're just happy you don't have gills anymore.

Really, I don't know what I would talk about.  Do I talk about my day?  Do I discuss my interests?  Does the little peanut even care?  Today I would talk about how my friend thinks this blog is awesome because it always puts her to sleep.  And I would tell the baby that the blog isn't boring, and that it is damn funny.  I will also tell the baby that I am a world famous writer and my friend is just jealous.  Hey!  It's my conversation with my baby, I can tell it what I want to!  (It won't know any different)

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you talking to the baby would put the baby to sleep?
