Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nightmare on Elm Street X

Ok I may have been a little hard on my wife yesterday.  She was aware of the topic I was typing if it helps your opinion of me.  I do love her dearly and appreciate her for all her baby-growing goodness.  I just also feel that if it's something that a lot of women go through, then why should it be hidden?

So today we are at 16 weeks!  Wee hooooo!  The peanut is now the size of an avocado.  Honestly they could tell me the baby is the size of a walnut next week and I would believe them.  I didn't think an avocado was that much bigger than an apple.  But apparently I am wrong.  That happened to me once before too.  It kinda tickles.  Anywho, the little parasite is growing quite nicely.  Hearts pumping some blood now, eyes are moving from fish position to normal predator position, and it's growing TOENAILS!!!  Insanity!  I understand the toenails serve a purpose in our lives, but I fail to see the necessity of them in the womb.  I mean seriously?  Toenails?  What if one grows rogue and pops the balloon?  Or worse yet, clips things on the way out?  Oh this is horrible.  Why do I look these things up?  The thought of a baby born with teeth creeped me out, but not like this.  *shudder* Great.  Now I have to share the picture that's in my head.

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