Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Alive!

I don't know what prevented me from posting, but it sure wasn't my wife killing me.  Although we have had a talk about what I can and can not post.  Also, what I can and can not say to her.  For example: do not talk to a pregnant woman about her hormones...or her green death gas.  THERE! I SAID IT! Man alive that has been haunting me since the beginning.  I'm sorry, but it had to be said.  This is an epidemic that partners to preggos have been afraid to talk about, but it mustn't be kept hidden any longer!

I know what you're thinking...I'm a mind reader remember....but I too believe in karma and I don't think it applies to this situation.  You see I am not saying this out of malice.  I am saying it to inform the masses and to break the shame that preggos feel when they are faced with this situation.  I'm doing this for all the pregnant women out there who are hiding.  But mostly I'm doing this for all the partners out there who are holding their breath.  I had to say it!  I love my wife dearly, but there are times when this issue combined with the fan blowing the hot flashes my way are just too much.

Other than that it was a lovely week.

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