Wednesday, March 7, 2012

If There's No Post Thursday...Assume The Worst

Baby size dayyyyyyy!!!!!!

Today the parasite is the size of an apple!  I know what you're thinking...cuz I'm a mind reader...apples come in different sizes!  See, same thoughts.  Well the site goes further to tell me that it is 4 inches long, and weighs 2 1/2 ounces.  Honestly, I like to think that I don't use the metric system since I measure myself in feet, inches, and pounds, but I have no clue what the small sizes really are.  So I'm going with maybe a golden delicious.

In other news, our ultrasound appointment was pushed back to later in April.  I was a bit disappointed in the change, but I'm a little happier now that I realized that we have more time to decide if we want to know the peanuts sex.  I still can't decide.  Not sure if the wife has decided, but honestly my decision doesn't matter in the long run.  We could never do it where she knows and I don't. You've heard me complain about her awesome secret-keeping abilities.  Yeah not likely to happen.  The best I can do is to put up a good fight.  Although that's not the easiest thing to do with a pregnant woman.  Those hormones....O...M...G!  That's all I'm going to say.  Well actually that's all I should say since the wife reads this blog.  Love you honey!

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