Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bets Anyone?

I think I know what we are having and I am going to say it.  So, spoiler alert!  Actually, I guess it isn't a spoiler alert if I'm just guessing.  Only if I were giving the actual results of the sonogram.  But that isn't for a bit (8 days) so spoiler guess alert!

I know what you're thinking: "what if it turns out to be the opposite?"  Well you know what?  That's a risk I am prepared to take.  I am pretty sure it won't care about my guessing.  Because really, I don't make an claims that I am prophetic.  On here anyway.  But folks, that is another story for another day.  Today I merely guess based on my small knowledge of pregnancy and my even smaller knowledge of the genders.

I am guessing that we are having a girl.  I researched baby cave placement and found out that if it is high and wide then it is a girl.  The bump moves to the sides and keeps getting higher.  I'm not expert though, and neither is the interweb, but like I said before, my little bit of knowledge is leading me to believe this.  Oh and did I mention that the wife and I have both had dreams that the baby is a girl?  Yeah that too.  That has to be science right?  I thought so.  I don't know if my guess/revelation/prophecy has had any influence on betting pools that may be happening in Vegas as we speak, but I just thought it would be nice to share with you fine folks.  I guess we will just have to wait and see, won't we?

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