Monday, April 30, 2012

Some Things Should Remain a Mystery

Before we went to the first ultrasound I wanted to look at videos on YouTube of the different ultrasounds.  I don't really trust the 3-D ultrasounds because I don't know that much about them, but I wanted to see what they looked like compared to the traditional 2-D type.  The following is a video I found comparing 2-D, 3-D, and even 4-D ultrasounds.

I think the 3-D images are gross.  Not "we are looking through layers of goo and amniotic fluid" gross, but more "these babies were buried by lava at Pompeii" gross.  At least the 4-D ones look like actual, live babies.  Babies in goo, but still babies.  I think for now I will just stick with the original 2-D imaging.  I can wait until the baby is born to see its face.

**Painting Update** For the most part the taping left clean lines.  There were a few areas that will need touch-ups, but I am pleasantly surprised with how well the paint job turned out.  So, if you're keeping track, there are now about 8 coats of paint where the stripes are...oy.

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