Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It's 20 weeks people! Holy Hannah!  That's halfway cooked.  Or halfway raw.  Depends if you're a pessimist or an optimist.  And today the little parasite is as long as a banana.  A banana!  Apparently the little peanut has been in the fetal position (get it? fetal position) until now, and now it is measured from head to toes instead of head to bum.  Exciting stuff hey?  Or freaky as heck.  Depending on if you're a pessimist or an optimist.

Just a forewarning, the peanut is doing some gross stuff.  You're probably thinking "nothing is gross when it's the miracle of life."  Wrong.  Very, very wrong.  According to the website I go to, the baby is swallowing.  Then in the next sentence it tells me that the baby is also producing meconium.  What is meconium, you ask?  Well meconium is "a black sticky by-product of digestion."  It's poop.  You can dress it up in a fancy word, but it is what it is.  Poop.  So my baby is confined to this tiny cave in my wife's belly, learning how to swallow, and is producing poop.  This is another example of horrible timing!  I apologize for the gross information.  In my defense, you were warned.

You thought the picture was going to be something else, didn't you?

1 comment:

  1. No need to worry! The baby is producing meconium, but it isn't, um, "expelling" it! That doesn't usually happen until a few days after he/she is born. :)
