Monday, April 16, 2012

But I'm A Toys R Us Kid!

Gaaa!  I think I'm becoming an adult.  I'm not entirely there, but I can feel its cold claws trying to get me.  I am nearing 30 years old (ok I'm on the doorstep) but I'm more like a big kid.  I still play video games, I love watching stupid comedies and horror movies, and I sometimes feel like I get along better with my friends' children than I do with my friends.  So the thought of becoming a full-fledged adult is somewhat scary to me.

So we were watching TV and there was a commercial for a van.  My wife criticized the commercial and then at the end goes "that's actually a nice van."  Our child isn't even born yet and the wife is turning into a soccer mom.  You want to know what's the saddest part?  I actually considered that it was a nice van.  Then I realized what I was thinking, and quickly thought of bleach to wipe away any evidence.

But seriously, all this talk of car seats and baby gates is freaking me out.  Next I will be dropping them off at university.  Eek.  My wife says that I am probably going to be a big kid forever, but I feel the dark side calling to me and it's getting harder to resist.

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