Monday, April 9, 2012

Mother Of The Year Award? Maybe.

Ohmygodohmygodohymygod.  So the wife and I were laying in bed this weekend and she wanted me to scratch her belly.  First I wanted to know where the parasite was situated.  Most days I can feel it...or its cave.  Well I couldn't find it.  The end.  Nah I'm kidding.  So I proceeded to scratch the wife's stomach.  Well guess who comes to play?  The peanut!  All of a sudden it's cave surfaces from the abyss and pokes itself out a bit to the left.  Not a kick, or punch, but an oozing of sorts.  Its whole cave just pushes out a bit.  SO. COOL.  It kinda freaked me out and now I cannot stop touching the stomach every time I pass.  For 19 1/2 weeks it seems pretty big to me.  That helps make it feel less like I'm caressing my wife's Buddha belly.  Which I'm not above doing.  So now I'm getting a wicked kick out of scratching her belly to make the baby surface its cave.  Some parents talk to their baby, I choose to give it its daily exercise.  Yea, look at me.

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