Sunday, April 29, 2012

Squish Squash

This past week has been devoted to painting the nursery.  I hate painting.  Walls mostly.  There is just too much preparation involved, and when it doesn't go according to plan then it is just plain annoying.  Plus I get paint all over myself.  We decided to try this primer and paint in one with the thinking being that it would be less work.  Wrong, oh so wrong.  We decided that we didn't want to paint the room in traditional boy or girl colors before we knew what we were having.  So we chose green with brown strips.  This was apparently our first mistake, since green doesn't cover easily.  The paint was way too thin to have primer in it.  So, four to five coats later and it finally looks half-way decent.  

Then came the stripes.  Measuring, leveling, and taping was a ridiculous.  Long story short, I messed up with measurements and it does not look like we planned.  It doesn't look bad though, so that's all that matters.  So currently we have the second coat drying (once again, paint/primer mix), and I'm pretty sure it's only going to take one more coat.  But I am scared to remove the tape.  All this week we have been seeing commercials for painters tape...more specifically the brand that we purchased...and how it does lines so well.  I have my doubts, but I guess we will find out after coat number three tonight.

Oh, and since I forgot to post earlier on the size of the little parasite, I wanted to mention that it's as long as a spaghetti squash.  It's pretty long for 22 weeks.  In my mind anyway.  I feel it should be a lot smaller.  I really didn't know what size that was so I Googled it.  Here is a picture for your reference:

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