Thursday, January 12, 2012


As a woman whose partner is going through pregnancy changes, it is a very interesting view from the outside.  My wife is not feeling any morning sickness yet.  Although I'm told by discussing it, as well as by my friends stating how late their sickness began, that I am jinxing her.  Honestly, I think I will just be jinxing myself when the time comes for me to be pregnant.  Nonetheless, I find it fascinating that the one symptom I have always believed to be a part of every pregnancy is missing.  My wife does have hot flashes, though, which I had no clue was even an option.  Although this does seem odd to me it does also make a lot of sense.  Cooking up a baby is bound to create a little excess heat now and again.

One side effect of this mad scientist recipe we call procreation seems to be food cravings.  And it is so very cliché that my wife is craving pickles...but humorous for me.  There is a McDonald's commercial airing now where a man is sent out at night, repeating "pickles" over and over so as not to forget.  Long commercial short, he ends up at McDonald's eating a Big Mac and goes home sans pickles.  So yesterday for supper we head to McDonald's, and this is how the order went:
McDonald's girl: Welcome to McCafé. (Don't get me started on the name.) Can I take your order?
My wife: Hi, I would like to order a Big Mac meal.
McDonald's girl: Sure.
My wife: And can I get like double extra pickles on that?
McDonald's girl: Ok....
My wife: Like whatever you put for extra pickles, I want more than that.
McDonald's girl: Ok. [insert giggle]
Long story short, those "double extra" pickles ended up being five on the burger and one on the top of the bun for some weird reason.  I just found it a funny coincidence that this life episode happened to coincide a bit with the commercial.

Another craving that creeped up on me was popcorn.  Our room smells like a theatre.  No word of a lie.  You know how when you enter a theatre and smell that popcorn and think to yourself "I could never get sick of that smell"?  Well it turns out I can.  Seven weeks in and who knows what other cravings to come.  The one bonus I'm hoping for is that I will lose weight throughout this pregnancy if she begins to eat more of my food.  One can only hope.

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