Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Wallet Aches Already

Well 9 weeks down and only about 30 to go.  I take back what I said yesterday, I am no longer impatient for the baby to arrive.  There is WAY too much to be done.

Went to the first doctor`s visit today.  Seemed like a pointless visit to me.  Nothing eventful like the first one when you get to hear the baby`s heart (Feb. 15!!!!).  The doctor we went to see wasn't even my wife`s regular doctor.  The regular one is on mat leave until April.  Side note: do they delivery their own babies??  Anyway... So right now we are just working with her stunt double.  The thing is I'm not sure if the stunt double knows she is the stunt double.  She may think she is seeing this baby through to the end.  Awkward.  Oh well, all's fair in baby cooking.  I did manage to get in a question though; however it had nothing to do with conjoined twins.  I'm sorry!  I fought with myself the whole time about whether to ask it.  Instead, after my wife had just expressed interest in wanting to try vaginal birth since she had a c-section almost 12 years ago, I asked the doc if birth-weight is determined by the parents birth-weight.  I asked because my wife was a huge baby and the donor was a huge baby.  Just looking out for the wife.

Before the visit, while waiting in the lobby, we noticed some appropriately placed catalogues for Sears' baby collection.  Looking at that catalogue made me realize I am in the wrong business.  I need to start making furniture for little humans and charge a fortune for it.  AND I need to make a ton of it too.  How can such tiny little human beings need so much stuff??  Beds, dressers, change tables, gates, bassinets, strollers, baths, playpens, rocking chairs, mobiles, etc.  What did our ancestors do without all that stuff?  Is that why infant mortality rates were so high?  Must have been due to no safety latch on the outhouses.  Can you imagine potty training on a gaping hole???  We have come such a long way.

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