Monday, January 30, 2012

Sooooo, "they" are sick now.  They have a cold to be exact.  It doesn't surprise me since the wife has been sleeping with the fan on to calm the hot flashes.  Yeah it may be winter outside, but I'm going with the fan as the culprit.  Goose bumps are just not in anyone's best interest in winter.  Especially when you're cooking a baby inside you.

Did you know that pregnant women cannot take anything when they have a cold?  Nothing!  And do you know how grumpy a pregnant woman is when she cannot take anything for it?  Very.  When I say she can't take anything, I mean she cannot take ANYTHING.  Not even throat lozenge.  So my wife is upset that she can't have her Ricola Lemon Mint cough drop.  The pharmacist told her no.  Which makes total sense since I'm almost positive Ricola's secret blend of 13 herbs is really just 50% Lysol lemon spray.  Seriously, have you ever smelled someone's breath who has just eaten one?  Smells like Lysol.  I bet that if you haven't already done it, you're thinking of smelling someone's Lemon Mint Ricola breath.  Just try to make sure it's someone you know.  That would make for one awkward explanation that you are checking to see if it smells like Lysol.

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