Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Do these things come with a manual?

I feel like I need a manual.  Like a baby troubleshooting manual.  I actually Googled "babies for dummies" today and there in the results was "Your Babies First Year For Dummies".  Not sure if this is the format that I am looking for but I seriously considered purchasing it. That is until I read that review from "Sabrina's Mom" stating that the section on sleep training was "inhumane".  I don't know what sleep training is, but I sure don't want to support a book that spouts methods that are similar in nature to starving a dog.  Further confusion ensued when I looked up and saw that "Sabrina's Mom" had given the book 3 stars out of 5.  I could not believe it!  What did these writers have to put in that book that is worse than inhumane, in order to receive 1 or 2 our of 5 stars!  I'm tempted to write "Sabrina's Mom" and find out her grading criteria.  But I'm unsure if I even want to get involved in this confusing mess of a book.

So now what am I supposed to do? Wing it?  That's just not me.  I like to read up on things, and figure them out with research.  I did purchase a book while we were trying to get pregnant; however, I seem to have misplaced it, and can't even recall what it was called.  Soon after I found out that my wife was pregnant I had a little panic attack about not knowing where the book was.  I still haven't found it, but a friend who already has a child tells me that I won't need it.  She obviously has more faith in my abilities than I do.  Babies just seem so fragile and they are tiny human beings that I would be responsible for.  This doesn't seem to me like the type of situation where I should be winging it.

All I can say is thank goodness for my wife.

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