Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hilarious as #$*%

Last night I watched the ever hilarious "Modern Family" and one plot point brought up a question for me: will I be able to control my laughter the first time my child swears?  The little girl on the show dropped a few f-bombs and one of her fathers could not control his laughter.  This only encouraged the little girl to continue with her behaviour.  This situation scares me.  I feel that if someone says something funny then the appropriate thing to do is to laugh.  To me a child swearing is so innocent and out of character that it is hilarious.  You just do not see it coming.

My god-son was three when in an extremely tired state he swore at his parents in the middle of the night.  Apparently he used it in the right context and everything.  My instincts would tell me to laugh in this situation, but as a parent I would be expected to correct this behaviour.  I don't know how well that will work.  I have heard that when you're in the situation it's different, but I am highly sceptical.  I occasionally call a friend of mine "gramma" as a joke, and one day her seven year old daughter called her that while I was visiting.  It was said at just the right (wrong?) time and I could not help myself from laughing out loud.  My friend was not happy...with either of us, and I have a feeling this will also be my wife's reaction when the time comes.  I think she already knows it too.

Honestly it will probably be Karma biting me back.  I am a fairly sarcastic person, so this will be Karma's way of dealing me what I have dished out for so many years.  All the good deeds in the world can not erase the sarcasm and jokes that I've inflicted upon the world.  And children are Karma's best vessel.

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