Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Should I Be Saying This Out Loud?

We have reached 9 weeks!  Yeah that just did not sound as impressive as I thought it would.  This baby is taking a long time to cook.  Even my mother-in-law thinks so.  She asked how far along my wife is now and when we said 9 weeks she told us she was hoping it was like 12 weeks already.  I must say I agree...even if I'm not prepared for this baby in any way.

Tomorrow is the first doctor's appointment and so many questions are running through my mind to ask.  Mostly they have to do with odds of conjoined twins and the like, so I'm just preparing for this appointment by pushing those questions back into the "stuff you shouldn't say out loud" file.  Surprisingly that file has a lot of stuff in it considering I have a tendency to say random thoughts out loud.  Don't get me wrong, I do have a filter.  That filter just seems to hide when I really need it the most.  So I should probably leave the questions up to my wife to ask.  Better to be safe than sorry.

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