Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh! And a Side of Garlic Bread

So the baby is 9 and 1/2 weeks cooking right now and hopefully forming quite nicely on schedule.  Last week baby was the size of a kidney bean.  This week, a grape.  With the baby forming at this rate I'm curious as to what size the baby is at 9 and 1/2 weeks.  A pecan?  A weird purple grape?  How much growth are we looking at in this half time show?

Well however big it is, all this food talk is making me hungry.  Maybe this is why pregnant women have all kinds of weird food cravings.  The pregnant woman wakes up wanting to have some "Honey Nut Cheerios" for breakfast.  Before heading down to grab some of those delicious nutty 'os she decides to check her email.  And what does she find there?  An email telling her that she is now 8 weeks along in her pregnancy and her unborn baby is the size of a kidney bean.  Next thing you know WHAM! she is craving some chilli.  Now those "Honey Nut Cheerios" are still in the pantry and the woman's partner has to deal with the after-gas of this whole situation.  It's a cruel, cruel world out there and someone in the food industry is playing head-games with poor, pregnant women.  And me too, I guess, since now I'm wondering if we have any ground beef in the house.  Hmmm.

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