Monday, January 23, 2012

My Wife's Boobs Have Gotten Bigger

That's all I'm going to say about that unless I want to be sleeping on the couch for the next little while.

Now on to less TMI quality posting.  I have mentioned before that my wife is going through some hot-flashes while sleeping, because apparently the majority of baby cooking goes on at night.  So our queen-size bed, which I once thought was a little too small for us to comfortably sleep in, now seems to have a ton of extra space.  I'm not naturally a cuddler.  I will do it for a short amount of time until I'm ready for the sandman to take me, but once I decide I want to go to sleep I do not want to be smothered.  There is an episode of Friends where Chandler complains to Ross about having to cuddle Janice at night.  Ross teaches Chandler a method where he should hug Janice in close, roll towards her side, and then roll away while slowly yanking his arm out.  Long episode short, Chandler sends Janice flying.  I have wanted to do this on more than one occasion. Not send my wife flying!  Just roll her away.  Unfortunately, my wife is THE lightest sleeper, and this would never work.  Now that she is having hot-flashes she is up all hours of the night.  Usually this gets blamed on our dog, or the snow plows, or whatever else happens to make a slight noise.  And I am the bad guy because I sleep like the dead.  Oh and if you're wondering if you should tell a pregnant woman that this is just preparation for when the baby is born DON'T.  For some reason they don't like that.  Who knew?

So now we are left with around two feet between us at night, and honestly it feels a bit weird...but in a good way.  The wife says that it proves a baby will be able to fit in-between us, but that concerns me.  I sleep so sound that I don't know what goes on during that time.  I sleep on my stomach, but there are times when I wake up on my back.  I'm am almost positive this is not a graceful transition so I can only imagine how much fun it's going to be if the wife decides to lay the baby between us.  And I can't see her enjoying that since she can't even stand the dog laying on the bed.  Sure she claims its the dog hair she hates, but I'm pretty sure it's the lack of freedom to move around.  Whatever the reason, baby in the bed = no good can possible come from it.  Unless we get a king-size bed.  Hmmmm......

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