Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First. Post. Ever.

Welcome to my journey through motherhood!  My wife is currently 7 weeks pregnant with our first child and as the “other” mommy I felt like sharing our story.  I don’t share things really, so this is all kinds of firsts for me.

Once upon a time…ok maybe not.  Well, as two women do not quite have the equipment to create life, our journey began by determining how we would acquire the necessary goods.  Are you picking up what I’m putting down?  Just picture whatever you like happening because this part of the situation is more messy than I would like to discuss.  Our ultimate goal is for us each to have a child with both children having the same father, and we were lucky enough to have two friends offer their services.  Upon choosing one, we found a lawyer to draw up donor contracts and to ultimately facilitate the adoption process.  With the legal stuff out of the way we moved on to the fun part.  I’m kidding.

Unlike procreation between heterosexual couples, homosexual procreation is not as enjoyable.  I wish it was.  Instead, it was awkward and uncomfortable.  My naïve dreams of our child being “created from our love” were quickly dashed.  Thank goodness it only took five months.  Do not get me wrong, those five months did not go by quickly.  BUT we got lucky and our child was conceived. 

I came home on December 20th, 2011 and my wife had a surprise for me.  She told me to look at the Christmas tree for it.  I searched the tree and found a decoration of a baby in a peanut costume.  We refer to babies as peanuts.  I did not think anything of it, as my wife tends to jump the gun and buy things before necessary, but she told me to look again.  Behind the decoration was a pregnancy test with a positive reading.  YAY!  I did, however, insist that we get a positive from a doctor’s test.  That one was positive too!  Now I could get excited.  And cry.  And be hit with a wave of ohmygod.

We told both of our parents since then, as well as our closest friends, and everyone has taken it well.  I am still in a state of disbelief and am amazed at how much I don’t actually know about pregnancy and babies.  I am learning as I go though and it is amazing!  For example today my wife is 7 weeks pregnant and our baby is the size of a blueberry.  I’m not sure how big that is as the size of a blueberry can vary; however, according to the baby is also beginning to grow little hands and feet that look like paddles.  Crazy.

Anywho, welcome again!  And please keep all arms and legs inside the tram at all times during this tour.

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