Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ballet Dancing Fig Baby

Well, we are at 11 weeks people!  That means we are just in sight of the start of the second trimester.  Eek!  Ok, I'm good ...for now.  Baby is the size of a fig.  Go look it up, I will wait.  Believe me, I had to go Google that too, and it was so not what I was expecting.  Where does one purchase a fig?  And how does one eat it?  Do you only eat the insides?

Ok, enough about figs and on to the good stuff.  The baby is almost fully formed and the bones are starting to harden.  There are even tooth buds...TOOTH BUDS!  I would think teeth would be last on the list of things to happen.  Now all I can think about are those children who are born with teeth or get them soon after birth.  That's a huge "hells no" to breastfeeding, I would say.

Oh! And the baby is kicking and stretching in "ballet-like" movements.  Look at that.  Our child is a ballerina...or ballerino?  For some reason I'm thinking there is a different words for a male ballet dancer.  I really don't know.  Won't get to feel the baby move for a couple months I guess, but we get to hear the heart soon!

Oh and before I forget:
At first glance you thought it was real hey?

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