Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mom.....I Am Your Baaaabyyy

So today we attempted to hear the baby's heart beat.  No dice.  We knew we were pushing it a little, considering the parasite has only been cooking for 12 weeks.  But the stunt double is going on holidays and wanted to try before she left. And that little peanut would not let us hear.  All we got to hear was something that sounded like Darth Vader was hanging out in the wife's uterus.  I'm not sure what exactly he was trying to say due to Darth's asthma, but I'm pretty sure it was something like "Hey mom! You're pretty darn cool!"...or something to that effect.  You never know with these things.

So no heartbeat this time.  But there is no need to worry because there hasn't been any issues and it is still fairly early.  We booked another attempt for 4 weeks from now, and I'm positive we will hear it then.  And then next we will have the ultrasound, which is super exciting.  We will have our first glimpse of the little parasite.  Baby's first picture...but also the decision to find out the gender. EEK!  I'm just not ready for that kind of decision yet.

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