Friday, February 3, 2012

Today's Cooking Lesson: Fruit Salad

So this week my wife is 10 weeks pregnant and once again the size comparison is related to fruit. This week… The baby is the size of the kumquat. I have no idea what a kumquat is, but I'm told that it is like a small orange that you can eat the peels of.  My wife informs me that I have eaten a kumquat before; however, it still sounds gross. When I eaten orange I have to make sure all of the leftover white stuff is completely gone before I will even begin to eat it. So I find it hard to believe that I would dive in and eat the peels and all of a kumquat.  Okay just so you know what we're talking about in terms of size, the following picture shows kumquats in relation to other fruit.  
It just so happens that my wife's uterus is now the size of a grapefruit so you can see how tiny the baby is in comparison.  Once again I am left hungry after these weekly size reports. Although I am happy to report that my dieting efforts have paid off and I have lost 6.2 pounds, while my wife has gained 5 pounds. I know she's cooking the baby but still feels good that she is gaining while I am losing for a change. Maybe I'm losing weight because the baby is never compared to unhealthy food items. But I am probably jinxing myself and will get a notification that the baby is as big as a chocolate macadamian nut cookie from subway. Yummy!

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