Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cocktail Anyone?

WOW!  I have not written a post in quite a while.  I started a new-ish position at my job and have been exhausted.  I guess I am just getting prepared for when the little peanut comes.  Although if my job still makes me tired at that point, then am I going to be okay because of the practice run? or will I just be no use to anybody?

Anywho, we have reached week 13 folks!!  And you know what time it is!  Food size comparison time!!!! Yaaayyyyy!  Now I'm going to take a brief pause to allow you to guess what food the parasite is the same size as........(insert Jeopardy theme song).......a medium-sized shrimp!  Yeah, you didn't guess that!  No you didn't. No you did not.  Ha!  I win.  So the parasite looks like a shrimp.

Another highlight this week: the baby just got some fingerprints.  This past 13 weeks it coulda been pulling off some B&Es without a trace of evidence.  Okay maybe a little.  It just blows my mind that fingerprints come so soon.  Not even sure what we need fingerprints for, but I'm almost positive it's not as important as the things that are last to develop.  Odd.  Okay I just looked it up and it turns out fingerprints are pretty darn important to our sense of touch on our hands.  Sooooo yeah.  You're welcome for that.

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