Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sign On The Dotted Line Please....With Blood

For some stupid reason I told my wife that she shouldn't need to buy maternity clothes since she can just wear my baggy shirts and bigger pants.  I think I was joking at the time, but I'm not really one hundred percent positive.  Needless to say, I am regretting that decision.  A pair of my exercise pants now have paint on the butt because she wore them for painting.  And I seem to have lost all of my sweat pants.  I think if this is going to continue I should lay down some ground rules.  Like she can wear the clothes, but only certain things in certain instances.  Or I could go through the clothes and give her the shirts I don't really care that much for.  I think going so far as to draw up a contract would be taking it a little too far, but I'm sure a verbal agreement would be sufficient.  I don't know how much I trust her to honour a verbal agreement.  I don't even let my friends borrow my movies with a verbal agreement.  They must initial next to the name of the movie and sign at the bottom.  The punishment for not returning them is a touch severe: first born child or I get to break a limb.  I can't exactly put those kinds of stipulations in a contract for my wife though.  But I must come up with something.  Stay tuned.

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