Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yeah Yeah, As Long As It's Healthy

The question, the question, what is the biggest question?  How far along? Maybe.  Any morning sickness? Yes, that too.  But the one question is boy or girl?  I don't know if we are going to "peek" at the little parasite and see if we have to nail down all of the toilet seats in the house.  I have always been pretty adamant that I would never want to know.  Some romanticized vision of being surprised while taking a peek as the baby comes out, then running through the halls screaming "IT'S A ?????????????????!!!!!!!!"  I'd do it too.  Then I'd pass out cigars or gum.  I know! Trident layers gum!  Everyone on the commercials wants to be paid in Trident layers gum.

It's a girl!!
It's a boy!!

There was also some talk of not wanting to know because it's like peeking in the presents before Christmas morning.  And I am all for that argument because I'm a firm believer in keeping secrets. BUT...on the other hand I do not like surprises.  I like to be prepared.  I like to see my options and choose accordingly.  Peeking early would give us a chance to prepare, not only physically, but emotionally as well.  Girls and boys are very different so I think some preparation emotionally would be beneficial.  Oh who knows?

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