Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Put The Lime In The Coconut

Well we are almost at 12 weeks and what a milestone it is!  3 months and also the end of the first trimester.

That means we can tell people.  Hahahaha!  This means that I can tell people.  I would be hard-pressed to find someone that my wife hasn't told.  She claims that she hasn't told many people but I'm pretty sure that's a big fib.  It's like the whole math equation for how many people you've slept with.  For girls you take (number she says) X 7 = actual number of sexual partners.  And guys you divide by 7.  Or something to that effect.  So for my wife you take the number of people she says she told and times that by 20.  Give or take.  It's not her fault really, it's just that she can not hold in a surprise.

So now I will be telling more people.  And what is exciting is that our baby is the size of a Lime!  Finally a fruit that I don't have to google in order to explain to others.  (I still have no clue as to what a fig is!)  Yay!  So this long weekend while you're doing your tequila shots, think of that little parasite growing in my wife's tummy.

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