Thursday, February 23, 2012

Honey, Why Are The Car Keys In The Fridge?

Can you guess what topic I'm hung up on at the moment?  Pregnancy brain.  I feel that this phenomenon is not stressed enough to women, or anyone really.  I'm ready to start a non-profit agency with public service announcements on television.  It will be huge!  Actually the PSA sounds like it would be fun to make.  If I don't get around to it first, I think the good people at Saturday Night Live should get on that. I'm kinda surprised they don't have one already.

My wife is reading this book that blames pregnancy brain, or "maternal amnesia", on a woman be so "preoccupied with the excitement of pregnancy during this period that other things seem less important and fail to register."  Yeah, I'm gonna go with no.  I have been around some pregnant women who actually try to remember things and focus, but they just can't remember things.

Some doctors suggest that a pregnant woman get as much sleep as possible to combat the forgetfulness.  This means I'm screwed.  The wife still isn't getting much sleep or is constantly having sleep interruptions.  So without a fully rested brain to assist her, I fear she is a prime candidate for pregnancy brain.  And this just will not do.  You see, I have a horrible memory.  Actually that's not true.  I have a horrible memory for things that I need to remember.  I have an excellent memory for useless pop culture trivia.  I was watching Jeopardy one day and the final category was "Famous Middle Names".  I wagered all my "money" and guessed Amadeus before the question appeared.  I got it right.  But really, that knowledge isn't going to help me find my watch before I go to work.  My wife is my memory for the important stuff.  And when you combine pregnancy brain with overstuffed with trivia brain...well you don't get a great memory, that's for sure.

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